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update on tooth
2003-03-13, 7:40 a.m.

My tooth is still hurting but no where near as bad as it was! YAY. I should be okay from here on out. I got a lot of crap about how I should have gone to the dentisit, blah blah blah, but I won't take anything they can give me anyway, not when pregnant. Heck I don't take meds unless I I absulutely have to normally, so would I take them when pregnant?? NOPE!

Oh well... Its almost over now anyway. My tooth is feeling better for the most part. I just wish Brian was able to stay home again today to help with te kids. One more day of rest would have been nice, but yeah he went to work. Not relaly because he had to, but because I think he didn't want to handle everything around here again.

That is why women are the moms, we don't complain about things near as much. He was talking about how cranky our kids were yesterday and such and I was like "I thought they were pretty good. It was a normal day" he just shook his head! lol

He is a good daddy, and good husband don't get me wrong, he just can't handle being home all the time with us all, if I am sick and can't do much!

Jaidyn was up at 5 am this morning, but she is asleep now. That is good because she was tired but bad becaus3e now she probably wont nap and I am going to wish she did later when I am tired and worn out again.

Thankfully I did sleep some last night. On the couch but hey I slept right??

The baby is good. I was counting how many movements I felt in about a 30 minute period because he was so active and I counted over 20 movements in 30 minutes time! He was moving soooo much last night! :)

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