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my son
2003-04-01, 4:14 p.m.

My son is cute, you know that??

He says, "First daddy was a baby, then a boy, then a guy, then daddy" I told him he was smart to know all that and he told me "Yeah you made him daddy because you thought he was handsome and picked him out" hehe I love my little guy! lol Sooooo funny!!

Oh and he and I were playing a game about what was smaller or which was larger of his toys and after awhile he picked up two toys and aksed me which was bigger, I told him and he said "Good Job Mommy. Your very smart" lol Too cute, and I suppose you can tell that I tell him that alot huh??

I have a bad bad bad backach. ITs awful. I know its not baby related as I feel fine other then my back, and chase is his normal active self and no other things going on to back it baby related, unless he is sitting in the wrong spot or something and its causing it. It started hurting yesterday,and its worse today. If it still hurts in the morning then I will call the dr. I am hoping it eases up since I go to the dr thursday morning early anyway

Brian should be home soon, Jaidyn is sleeping and I need to lay back down this chair is killing my back even worse!!

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