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our busy evening
2003-04-11, 9:23 p.m.

Wow it was a busy day today! I went shopping with my sister. She needed a dress for a job interview at a bank on Monday and wanted me to help her pick it out so we did that, which was fun.

Got home Jaidyn napped, Noah and I watched spy kids 2 and rested. When Brian got home Noah went outside to play with the neighbors kids and Brian took Jaidyn out too.

Later Clay and his parents came over and we all sat outside while the kids played and we all talked! I really like MArk and Sandra! They are such nice people. I also met the parents of one of the older kids who is always out there and is great with Noah. They were really nice as well! :) YAY for talking to adults!

Anyway Mark, Clays dad, asked if he could take Noah to a parade and fair thingy tomorrow. I didn't know there was a parade or a fair thingy, and Brian is working in the morning, so we said it was okay for Noah to go! I would have loved to have taken Noah but I can't do it myself with him and Jaidyn right now. Between Jaidyn running off so easly and me being huge and pregnant I don't do well at things like that without brian.

So tomorrow morning at 9 MArk is picking up Noah to take him for awhile! Brian is going to work in the morning so it will be Jaidyn and Me tomorrow morning!! Girls morning! Its fine, when its just her and I its nice too. I need time with just her ya know??

So at 8:30 we all took our kids inside (later then any of them ever stay out)and put them to bed.

Brian ius watching some news thingy and I am just sitting here. He is going to go to bed soon, so I will probably go on to bed with him, I am tired!! He will get up and go to work and I have to get Noah ready tomorrow morning for when Mark comes by to get him

Anyway Brian is going to work about half a day, and then I don't know what all we will do. I probably need to rest more. My back is killing me these days!

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