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just stuff
2003-04-11, 9:41 a.m.

Shannon, I agree with you on the clothes thing. That is what I always tell everyone, don't buy too much in the smaller clothes until the baby is born, so you know what they will wear and what sizes they will be in. Just aggervates me when people say "babys NEVER wear 0-3 months longer then a couple weeks" because in my case, all those bigger clothes were HUGE on my kids! lol

I agree though, after baby is born then see what they can wear and go from there!

I have only about 4 or 5 outfits for Chase that are 0-3 month clothes, I won't buy anything else until AFTER he is born so I will know how big he is and what fits better! (with my other two I never had too many clothes before they were born either. I like to buy more after they are born and you know for sure your having that girl or that boy they tell you, you are having! lol)

I don't have many 3-6 months things either, but I don't buy much in advance in clothes anyway. I buy things here and there as they grow! :)

I am going to the store with my sister around 11:30 or so. She needs an outfit for a job interview, so I am going to go help her pick something out!

I need to give the kids bathes this morning. we didn't do them last night, so I will do them this morning. I like doing bathes in the morning anyway, its less hectic around the house in the mornings, but next year when Noah is in school it will be better to give them at night so we aren't so rushed all the time, so I am trying to get back into doing them at night most of the time! :)

Anyway I will write more later maybe or tomorrow! YAY its FRIDAY! Watch Brian have to work tomorrow now though! blah... I will let ya know

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