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Sore Throat
2003-04-18, 8:59 a.m.

I don't feel so well. My throat hurts! UGH Noah is coughing and Jaidyn has a stuffy nose! YEAH for us right?? Of course the kids haven't been sick in awhile so I suppose its time. What bothers me is my throat hurting. I normally always get strep throat atleast once a year. And it gets bad bad, like I can't eat at all, and end up getitng shots to get the swelling down, and on pain meds to be able to eat anything. Well I won't take pain meds while pregnant so it will suck if it turns into that!! So everyone send positive thoughts that it will be simple sore throat and go away soon??

My dr appt went well yesterday, nothing exciting at all! lol Chase has been active, so yay for that. The kids have been good and we went to hte grocery store last night when Brian got home... hmmm nothing else exciting really.

I am hoping Brian doesn't have to work tomorrow. I want him home all this weekend, cause its easter on sunday ya know?? We have the fun coloring eggs to do tomorrow evening, and sunday we get to go to church and then hunt easter eggs! I love it! :) The kids do too

Oh gymboree has cute froggy clothes in Jaidyn's size and in girl clothes now too! I am going to hve to get her something with frogs and find Noah a shirt or something with frogs so they can all match! lol

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