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Kids driving me nutty
2003-04-24, 10:59 a.m.

Noah is still being a little turkey these days.. sigh... I don't know what to do with this boy. Its been so easy being his mommy until now. Now he is getting where he doesn't want to listen, talks back, screams (which is totally not something we do in this house. I dislike people screaming at each other) and everything.. sigh..

anyone have any advice on how to handle a 4 year old who is completely driving his mommy crazy???

We have tried time outs, taking toys away, taking away previlages (such as playing otuside) and nothing is working. I just don't know what to do, and then of course I have my husband who thinks since none of my ways work we should resort to spanking, but yeah I don't like that at all, so it isn't done around here (and he knows this, thus the reason he mentions it but won't do it! lol GOOD BRIAN)

So any advice would be nice okay??

jaidyn is just jaidyn. Sweet and cute, BUT she is starting to copy Noah and have fits and such because he does... sigh.. I know she is just coping him because she only does it after he has a fit and you ask her to do something or try to play with her...

Earlier I was complaining because Chase wasn't moving as much, but I laid down again and he went crazy! lol Of course I think he will slow down on moving from here on out because he is getting cramped in there. I feel more movements and roles then I do kicks or punches these days..

Anyway I have things I really need to get done today so I am gonna do that now!

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