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I love...
2003-04-23, 10:19 a.m.

You know what??? I love my husband! lol

Yesterday he came home for lunch which was nice! He only works avout 5 minutes from here, so he could do that more often, but doesn't! lol

Anyway so when he got home I had the house cleaned, the laundry done, the kids dressed and I got dressed and even fixed myself up (did my hair and makeup even! WOW! lol)just because I am sure he gets tired of coming home to find his wife in pj's or whatever is comfortable every afternoon!

So he showered and we went to the store to get a couple things, came home and I cooked dinner while he played with the kids outside. Jaidyn is getting good on her bike! YAY Jaidyn! :)

Then when he got his plate (I had made his plate for him) he of course talked about how good the food was, and how good I was to him! :) Hehe. Makes me feel good that he actually does compliment me sometimes! :)

Then later he had a headache so I got him a glass of dr. pepper and some tylenol. Brian doesn't get headahces often so hwen he does they are bad! I don't have naything but tylenol in the house right now and we all know tylenol isn't the greatest! lol

Anyway its just funny becuase in little things like eysterday I realize how much I love him, and how I think I may even love him more NOW then I did way back when we first met.

I love the daddy side of him, who is playful with the kids, who loves to snuggle with the munchkins on the couch, who worries when they get sick. I love the husband side of him who takes care of me when I am sick, worries about how I am feeling when pregnant, tries to help out around the house because he knows how hard it is with both kids, and who works to support us and wants me to be home with our kids while they are young, the side that never complains about the hours he puts in to support us, and the one who secretly kisses me on the cheek every morning before he goes to work when he thinks I am still asleep. I love the goofy guy side of Brian that loves to go fishing, play sports with the older kids outside, who has these crazy ideas for business he should open or such

i JUST LOVE everything about him these days! Okay I will admit we are getting along so well its scary these days. We haven't argued in forever, we are argeeing on alot of things, finishing each other sentences, and knowing what the other is going to ask about before they even ask it! Its crazy!

Anyway 7 years after meeting him, and LOTS of hard times in the past I still love the goober! lol

My kiddos are starting to fight so I will stop talking about how much I love my husband (remind me of this entry in the next day or so when he gets on my nerves okay??)

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