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2003-05-28, 9:28 a.m.

I am tired. Yep I am. I woke up WIDE awake at 6:30, so I got up replied to emails and ate breakfast. Around 7 I laid on the couch, and Noah got up and we turned on cartoons for a bit, and well mommy kept dozing off. Finally at 8:30 I had to get up and stop dozing becuase Noah woke Jaidyn up because he wanted someone to play with.

I just couldn't stay awake! I tried, but I would fall to sleep over and over again... sigh.. sleep

Jaidyn slept awful last night, not good, when mommy actually was sleeping well for once.

I have a dr appt tomorrow yep. 35 weeks 2 days and counting. that is 12-33 days left and you will get to hear all about my sleepless baby nights! Ican't wait (yes okay it could be 33-49 days if he comes later then 40 weeks but shhhh don't remind me that! lol)

I should go to the store today, but I really don't want to, not when I know I have to go out tomorrow to the dr and such and I can just run my errands then I guess, while the kids are with the babysitter, who I need to call today... I hate calling people though...

I need to do fold the last load of laundry from yesterday. I did all the laundry, just didn't get the last load in the dryer folded.

I think Bri is going to get his hair cut after work today. I hope he takes NOah to get his too. They both need hair cuts. I need one too though mysself.

I want something different and after the baby I want my highlights back I used to always have in my hair! You know the whole I have had a baby now I have to cut my hair and do something new with it thing! lol I notice that happens alot.

Lots of pressure on my cervix still. Gotta love little babies headbutting you there! YAY :)

anywya kids need someone to play with them (me of course) and I need a drinhk and the laundry has to get done so I should get off here

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