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2003-05-29, 2:41 p.m.

You can tell today was the last day of school for kids around here! lol Noah is outside playing with our neighbors daughter Samantha (she is like 7 I think). they played with water balloons and in the water hose. They also had ice cream from her house, and drinks and cookies from ours! lol He is having fun

Had my appt this morning so yeah go read about that at my preggo journal if you wish

WHen Brian gets home he and noah are going to get hair cuts. I will bring Noah in at almost 4 oclock, get him dryed and in dry clothes and such and ready to go. Its neat because I can stay inside and do what I need to because I can see him out the window and watch them that way, plus Samanthas dad is out there watching them so I don't have to be out there right now.

Its too hot at this time of the day for me to be out there, and Jaidyn is napping. I am tired and trying to make myself stay awake this afternoon!

anyway good day I guess just tired, though around here its going to stay busy and such with it being summer time for all the kids!

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