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Good Day!! :)
2003-06-03, 3:57 p.m.

If you want to see what the kids and I did for the baby to my preggo journal (link on the side of course) We had fun!

Actually I did a lot with the kids today! We went to the store got a few things (forgot a couple things I went for! oops! lol) then came home made shirts for the baby and for the kids, then we did wooden puzzles and had lunch. Jaidyn went down for a npa and Noah and I played memory and he wanted to do workbooks so I helped him do that.

Now he is watching cartoons for the first time all day! YAY and Jaidyn is still napping. Bri should be home soon! YAY :)

Good day yes it was! Oh and I got laundry done, and a package from my online shower buddy today too! Baby is wiggly and I have to pee so I gotta go. This evening will be full of stuff outside with the kids and Bri and cleaning up some! Anyway go check out my preggo journal and see the shirts the kids and I made and hey sign my guestbook over there if you want to! No one has signed in a week! :(

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