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a peace
2003-06-10, 11:17 a.m.

I have decided to relax. I am trying not to let the kids drive me crazy, trying not to worry about when I will go into labor, and how it will be. I am trying to not stress about everything.

You know what?? Its hard but it works to keep me calm and sane.

I just have to remind myself that my life is in God's hands. I asked him last night and this morning in my prayers to help me enjoy these last few days or weeks of my pregnancy, to help me not worry as much about things, and to have the patiences I need with the kids.

Its working because instead of getting stressed and I am thinking; "God knows what is best and he is here helping me" Its true he does. Chase will come when its time for Chase to come. I want him now, yes, but that isn't MY decision. He will come when he is ready and when its his time to come. If I keep trying to control everything, then I am going against everything I believe about God. I am supposed to let him take over my worries, and let things happen as they are supposed to, because I can't change everything.

Anyway so its a calm day today. I cleaned my room, did some laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and vaccumed the living room and my room. The kids cleaned up their room and all is going well.

Noah got a lot of toys taken away yesterday because he refused to pick them up, so today he decided he would clean up when I asked so he didn't lose anymore toys. If he keeps up with his room all day today and listens to me when I ask him to pick things, and of course shares with his sister (he is getting bad about not wanting to share with her) then he will get his toys back tomorrow that got taken away...

Trying to find new ways to keep this house in shape and under control. With a new baby coming its going to be rough around here, so I am trying to keep it right, right now, ya know??

Anyway when Bri gets home we have to go to the store because we need laundry detergent and toliet paper! lol A pregnant woman NEEDS toliet paper more so then the average person! lol :)

I would go now, but Bri has the carseats in the 4 runner whcih he took to work today so I am kind of stuck here ya know??

Anyway I have to pee, I feel a tad crampy today but hey what else is new??

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