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Much more relaxed
2003-07-03, 11:20 a.m.

You know what?? I am totally in love with a almost 2 week old little boy! :) He is precious, sweet, and adorable!!

Its so amazing to have 3 kids and Brian in my life! WOW

If I had been told at 16 what my life would be like at 24 I would have laughed, but now I couldn't imagine it any other way!

I have noticed how much more I enjoy parenting now! AMazing huh??

When Noah was born, I was getting used to being married, living away from my family, and having a newborn! I would get so tired and just cry and cry when he wouldn't sleep. I lived each day waiting for him to do the next milestone. When he learned to roll over, I was like okay he rolled now when will he sit up? and so on and so forth! I always was ready for the next new thing with him

With Jaidyn, I was much calmer. I enjoyed the time with her at night, and wasn't so into the next milestone, though I did find myself comparing her to Noah too much. Noah did everything early, Jaidyn waited a bit longer. I didn't deal with ppd, I didn't mind living away from family.

With Chase, I am super calm all the time. I haven't been aggervated by the older kids much, I don't stress when they want to hold the baby, I enjoy Chase every minute of everyday. I don't care if he rolls over at 2 months or at 5 months, it just doesn't matter to me! I want to keep him small and tiny like he is now for as long as possible. I want to enjoy every moment of him being a baby because I learned how quickly they grow up. How quickly they go from being that little tiny demanding baby who needs only mommy, to the determined 2 year old with a mind of their own, to an almost 5 year old who would rather play with his friends and go to school then to be with mom and dad all the time.

Anyway I wish I had all these realizations when Noah and Jaidyn were babies. I enjoyed them when they were babies, but I feel like I could have enjuoyed them more you know??

Being up at night with Chase doesn't bother me, I actually love it! It gives me time with just him! He is so cuddly and sweet!! I have managed to spend time with the older two while he naps and get things done around here as well!!

I am not going to lie and say the last 13 days have been easy! I haven't slept much, I am adjusting to getting things done for 3 kids and without Brian's help in the evenings and weekends I would go crazy!!

Yestrerday I had my first real trying time though! It was 3:30 and Chase had a picture appt at 4:30. So I was nursing him because he was hungry and I wanted him to eat before I changed him into his clothes for the pictures. Well Noah and his little friend wanted me to open a drink for them. It was a coke that his friend brought out for them to split. So I opened it and it clearly ahd been shaken because it spued all over the place. It got on me, Chase, the couch and the floor. So I had to get up which caused Chase to have to stop nursing, to clean it up. While I was cleaning it up the other kid was telling me I needed to pour their drinks into cups. At that point I told him I had a mess to clean up and they would have to wait (now I do not have patients with this kid. He is AWFUL. I hate to say that but he is) so I get it cleaned, change the baby and I and finish nursing him. about that time Jaidyn takes off her diaper and pees on my floor! UGH So I have to get up and get that cleaned up and get her back in a diaper and dressed. Chase gets mad because he keeps getting interrupted! lol

Anyway it was hectic but I made it through it without getting upset or anything! YAY me! :) I suspect many many more days like it so I will just try and take them in stride!!

Now back top this friend of Noah's that lives across the street now. His name is Cole, not the friend Clay that he has spent the night with. Anywaty Cole is allowed to run all over and do anything he wants! I have never seen his parents check up on him and he just walks into my house without knocking! Drives me crazy! When I tell him he needs to go outside he tells me he is hot and wants to come in. I am like "GO HOME THEN" I don't say it but I think it!

He expects us to give him drinks and snacks all the time. He doesn't listen when he is over here, he is bossy, he is always taking Noah's toys outside, and just walks through my house without asking. If Noah did things like that I would be upset! I just can't believe his parents don't watch him! He leaves his toys all over and they never make him pick things up (I found his gameboy sitting in the middle of our yard yesterday and had noah take it back to him, you would think his parents would have asked where it was)

Anyway I am rambling on and on about everyting!

I love my 3 munchkins

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