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the jaidyn experience!
2003-07-31, 11:29 a.m.

First off just in case she missed it in my last entry Happy Birthday Kat!

Thanks Amber for your comment in my last entry! Yeah it was scary scary scary!!

Noah never put anything in his mouth and Jaidyn hasn't in a long long time so it was a shock she was choking on them!!

She was just sitting there counting them like she always does one minute and the next I heard her cough. At first I didn't think anything of it and then she started gagging and this mommy was about to panic!!

Thankfully they came back up fiarly easily! and she said "Thanks mommy. Pennies mean" lol SHe is too funny! LEave it up to my baby girl to choke on something and scare me to death, only to make me laugh a minute later!!

Chase is sleeping. I thgink he will be up soon though. He has been down for awhile!

I exercised today! YAY me yes?? Yeah of course! lol

Noah is playing cars, Jaidyn is actually eating a piece of lunchmeat which is amazing that she eating, since she NEVER eats anymore!

Noah has bible school again tonight and the rest of us are all going to the grocery store after we drop him off! Tomorrow night we take him at 6 pm and then we go up there at 7 to see what all they learned and such plus they normally do some sort of program for the parents! Should be fun and of coruse every chance we get to get to know more people from the church is good! :)

My boy will be 5 in about 10 days! Can you believe that??? I feel old! lol I am going to cry on his birthday I just know it! lol and Chase will be 6 weeks old tomorrow! whaa I think i will just cry now at my babies growing up!! Jaidyn is 2.5 and sometimes that amazes me too! Seems like it wasn't long ago and she was my tiny baby!

It goes too fast so if you have kids, enjoy them while you can. and if you don't, remember to enjoy every minute of them when you do have them because well they will grow up too fast

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