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2003-08-12, 8:55 a.m.

Jaidyn has been awful lately! HELP!

Screaming, hitting, pinching, biting, pulling hair (these are all things she has done to Noah for no reason really), taking toys from Noah and just being down right mean! ugh

She is 2 though, that is what I keep reminding myself!

Noah has been super whiney since yesterday blah... So I have a mean kid, a whiney kid, and a sweet little nursing boy!

Oh and my husband has been cranky too. I jsut don't want to get into it. Its a man thing. He just can't see that at the end of the day sometimes I just want to be left alone for a few minutes when the kids go to sleep. I love him yes, but does he always have to paw at me??

I do love my kiddos though and I love my husband. Tey all just seem to be very very cranky here lately except for Chase and he is a baby!!

I have a house to clean, laundry to do and all that today when Chase naps! Fun fun

Oh and we got our advance tax check yesterday so we are going shopping probably over the next few evenings to get all the things we need for Noah for school and clothes and such...

Jaidyn is crying agian about nothing, Noah is whining he is tired (so why did he get up at 7 am?? huh??) and Chase is grunting which means he is waking up...

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