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Bugs birthday
2003-08-10, 7:43 p.m.

I have lots of pictures so I am putting some here and some in Chase's baby journal since some are of him! :)

Noah had a blast camping! They got in at about 10 this morning and they both said it was fun and everything! YAY

At 2pm my sister her kiddos and her friend and her three came over for cake and such! Both of Noah's close friends were either gone today or out of town :( He was a little sad but not bad!!

He got lots of Beyblade toys which is what he is into! He got 2 from my sister, 1 from my sisters friend, 1 from use and the little staduim thingy you do the beyblades in from us too. He also has bought himself 2 others with money he has gotten! He got a couple other things too...

Here are a few pictures:

Noah opening a present

Noah with a beyblade toy! (still in the box)

Blowing out the candles on the cake

Jaidyn sittingn on Brian's lap after she had a fit because she couldn't unwrap a present!

I have a bunch more put didn't want to load down everyone! HEre are a couple of pictures from jsut whenever that I played with and made just one thing in the picture colored! :) I thought they came out pretty good!

Noah with his hat colorized

Jaidyn with her dress colorized!!

Okay I need to go finish cleaning up from after dinner now, but if you havent' read Noah's birthstory or anything go to the entry before this one! :)

Oh and head over to Chase's journal now and looks at the pictures I have there of him! They are too cute so you want to see them! lol

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