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5 years
2003-09-05, 10:18 a.m.

Guess what??? I have been married for 5 years today! 5 years! :)

I love my husband I really really do! Last night I couldn't sleep at all, and guess what?? He got up and sat up with me for awhile! :)

Chase was asleep and I couldn't sleep so not fair!

Anyway 5 years I have been married to Brian, and 7 1/2 years I have been with him. Time is flying everyone! :)

I will try and write more later, but I have lots to do! We aren't celebrating our annversery tonight becuase my dad and his wife are coming in today (around 4 pm) so next wekeend my sister is ewatch the kiddos(except Chase probably) while we go out for dinner! :)

I have to clean today!

Oh we went to nOah's school last ngiht and they had a little program thingy where they told us all aobut the kinderegatern, kinder/1st grade & 1 st grade programs and such! We learned aobut their schedule for the week, how they learn to read, the writing, math and such programs they teach! I will tell you though they expect ALOT out of kindergarteners these days!!

Thankfully Noah knows pretty much everything they need to know by the end of the 1st 6 weeks so he is a little ahead in most things and so right now its not hard for him which is good!

He has learned a lot so far in jsut the couple weeks he has gone. His handwriting is better, he knows how to write and read more words, knows the letters and their sounds better and everything!

He is a smarty pants! He is reading books. I mean really reading!

Anyway gotta go clean oh and call mrs miller back and give her our address because she is sending a invitation to know to her son Ty's birthday party! (Ty is in his class and mrs miller and I have been playing answering machine tag for the last two days! lol I am awful aobut calling people back when I don't know them too well)

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