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Helping out
2003-09-10, 12:54 p.m.

Today was my first day to help out at Noah's school. I took him to schooll at the normal time I take him and then I came home and waited fo4r my sister to get here. She got here right at 8 and then I headed to the school, signed in and went into the classroom. Noah's teacher gave me a basket with the "olders" reading folders in it. The Olders being the 1st graders in the class, since he is in a kindergarten / 1st grade class and I was to listen to the read today, sign the reading log that we had heard them read, let them pick out a sticker and then send them to the book shelves to pick a new book for the night.

The 1st graders are picking their own books and reading for fun right now, they will start being tested on th4 books they read starting next week so I will be having to do that with them next week! And next week we start also making them choose books from certain levels that they test in too. The kindergarteners read to the teacher today (I will sometimes be reading with them though) and when they read the teacher picks books out for them that she thinks are better for them. Like, if the book they read last night was too hard, she will give them a little easier book. If the book was too easy for them then she will pick out one a little harder. Also sometimes they will bring the same book back home if they just need a tad bit more work. Like Noah will be bringing his book back because he didn't point to the words like he was supposed to but he read it just fine. He hates to point at the words so its hard to get him to, but she said he is doing wonderful on his reading and is in one of the higher reading level books then most of the other kindergarteners!

Anyway I got to meet some of the kids Noah talks about. Ty is a ltitle boy who read to me t oday and Noah is invited to his birthday party on Saturfday. Aaron was the first little boy to read to me and he is Noah's 1st grade study buddy in his class, Amanda is a cute little girl who makes sure you know who she is! lol Oh and there was a kindergartener named Trent who was in trouble the whole time I was there! He didn't listen at all, and he 8is the kid Noah is always telling me about and telling me how he had to move his name to a different color! lol

Anyway it was nice to see more how his class works, Noah thought it was neat I was there and his teacher asked him if he said Hi to me and he said "My mom is here?" lol He didn't even realize it! lol He gave me a hug and showed me his writing and then went on back to working and having fun. When I left the kindergarteners had left to go to music and the 1st graders were still in the class.

Okay I am blabbing on and on but it was neat to see his school and next week I know exactly what I will be doing and were everything is! :) I was wqorried aobut leaving Chase becuase he doesn't take a bottle but he nursed before I left, and my sister said he was fine and didn't even want to eat or cry at all! He was asleep when I got here, so I have milk pumped for if I ever need it now lol since I pumped some just in case today!!

We went to subway for lunch and that was good! :) I saw our paster there and he came over and talked to me for a minute. I feel awful because we haven't been to church in several weeks now because of being out of town, having out of town guest and such. I told him we were going to make it this sunday and he of course understood life gets busy! He is such a nice man!

Okay I gotta go, baby will be up soon, and Jaidyn is getting into something!

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