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weekend weekend
2003-09-22, 7:05 a.m.

Weekend was good! :) YAY

Saturday morning Brian worked. The kids and I played play dough and we played otuside a lot. I got the house pretty well clean and started the laundry that day too. Brian got home at almost 1, I made us lunch and then Chase, Jaidyn, and Brian all fell to sleep and took naps and Noah played games on the computer for awhile. Then we went shopping, actually mostly looking around but some shopping! :)Target is always one of my favorite places to go and we wnet there! :)

Sunday we all slept in late. I mean everyone!! wE ACTUALLY ALL LAyed AROUND, (oops caps sorry)all morning long. It was nice. I was upset though that I couldn'tr get Brian up for church. Ugh

Then yesterday afternoon we went to the grocery store. Nothing exciting there.

Today my sister is coming over. We are either going to move soem of her stuff (if the weather is nice. It rianed all dya yesterday) or we are going to the store for a couple things and then going to take Chase to get his 3 month pics done. If we don't do that todya we will do that wednesday! I can't beleive he is 3 months.

DId I tell you Noah can count to 50??? Its too cool. We were reading a book yesterday and he was sounding out words. He is so smart these days.

And then there is Jaidyn who will pop in with things she has picked up on from us teaching Noah everything. Like we were going over the days of the week with Noah and he always skips wednesday! lol I don't know why but he does and when he says Tuesday, Thursday, Jaidyn will go "No Wednesday" hehe She is too cute!

Chase is sleeping, Noah is getting dressed, Jaidyn is sleeping but I am about to get her up.

My throat hurts again today. I hope it gets better.

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