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A mix of things
2004-03-30, 6:33 a.m.

I woke up once last night and couldn't find Chase. I know that sounds odd. One he is a baby where in the heck is he going to go, and two what do I mean by I couldn't fdind him right??

Well he sleeps right next to me. He has for 9 months. So when I wake up and he isn't right next to me I freak out! lol

So I looked on both sides of me he wasn't there. I checked on the floor (he knows how to climb down) and he wasn't there. I started to panic, I reached over to wake up Bri only to see Chase curled up right next to his daddy and Brian's arm around him AWWWWWWWWW. So sweet. So cute. So relieving. I laid back down and went back to sleep! lol

Crazy I tell ya. Crazy!!

Chase man has a dr appt today. Just a check up and shots. Wow all this should go in Chase's journal huh?? Oh and Noah has a practice tee ball game today! YAY So I wil be going today!! Cool yes?

My sister is coming over. She is going with me to the dr to keep an eye on Jaidyn. SO that means I get to see the baby again! He is 2 1/2 weeks old already! wow its goes so fast!!

Oh my birhtdya was okay. Pretty boring. I didn't do anything yesterday but we went out saturday and such!! I got phone calls from my sisters and my mom! Brian got me a card and gave it to me. Noah wanted to know why I wasn't having a party! lol Crazy boy... hmmm. What else?? Oh then we went to the grocery store and that was not something I want to do anytime soon. The kids wer emonsters. Okay no one else could tell they weren't behaving but I knew they weren't listening to a thing I said and that bugged me.. THat turned into them being awful all the way up until bed time. BUt I do love them so its okay...

Gotta go shower now and then wake Noah and off to school we go again! :)

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