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Christmas List
2004-11-15, 6:29 a.m.

Good Morning.

Brian and I will start Christmas shopping this week! YAY

Here is a list of things we want to get people:

A new bike (his seat is broken on his0
A remote control car (he wants one bad)
2 games for his gameboy
2 for his gamecube (Shrek 2 being the main one he wants)
A Model of the earth that comes apart ionto the different layers of the ear (the crust, mantle, core) He loves science

We also want to get him a couple board games. For his stocking a book, a video and candy I am sure


A kitchen
Fake Food and little dishes
A Dora Princess Doll (She so wants this)
Cabbage Patch Doll
Dress Up Clothes

we also want to get her couple games for her age level and for her stocking a book, a video and candy too! Oh and a carebear!!


Toy Tool Bench
Little FourWheeler (small like powerwheels thing for his size)
A Popum (or something like that) Table and some toys to go with that

And not sure what else for him or what for his stocking!!

My Nieces and Nephews:

Nick & Zach : a gamecube game for them to share

Jonathon: PS 2 game

Tj: Shrek 2 video

Taylor: A brats diary thing

Darrian: a new carseat ( but he is getting that early)

Ryan and Taylor: Probably a PS 2 game for them to share

Paige: Not sure yet. She is 3 months older then Chase and I am having trouble with their age group! lol

s Parents; NOt sure yet

My dad and Jan: Not sure

My mom and Dean: not sure here either

Brians brother & his wife and Brians sister: Not sure

My sisters: Jody: the carseat for her and Darrian. For Shelly, not sure

I have some stuff to figure out but over all I have a lot figured out!!

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