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2005-08-17, 10:34 p.m.

typing one handed because nak, so forgive any typos! lol

I got clothes today. yay.ebveyrhting I had didn't fit right so I was excited.

a pair of shorts, 2 pairs of jeans, & 4 shirts! yay me. clothes are fun.

Brian annoyed me several times this afternoon. sometimes he can be totally annoying and nagging. blah. I love him though.

I am tired. Got up at 5:30 with baby and stayed busy all day long. Its 10:36 now and baby still isn't asleep yet for the night (well for abour 2 or 3 hours of the night that is! lol)

Thank goodness I can just bring her to bed with me and nurse while in bed. Though I do start her off in her bassinet if I lay her down before I am ready for bed or before I go to bed. Gives Bri and I a little time to cuddle. Plus Chase sometimes comes to bed too with us. By morning sometimes it will be Bri, Chase, Hailey, Jaidyn and I all in that queen sized bed. Blah. But yeah I love co sleeping/ night nursing in bed! :) gets me some much needed sleep sometimes.

Anyway I guess I will go read now until baby goes to sleep (she is falling asleep while nursing and that is such a sweet thing to see)

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