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mindless ramblings
2005-08-20, 11:25 a.m.

My back hurts this morning. Probably because well, I slept on the couch half the night with a baby next to me nursing and a toddler laying ON me asleep. From that I assume you can figure I didn't sleep great last night.

I have a cold. blah. Stuffy nose, nasty cough, eyes watering. You know all that fun stuff. Brian has had it and well he gave it to me. He says its the lack of...uh... adult that has got us sick.

Crazy husband.

When Bri gets off work we are taking Noah to sign him up for soccer. Probably going somewhere for lunch & then I think we will go to the park and possible go by and visit a friend we haven't seen in awhile who wants to see the kids. (her kids are adults. She used to babysit Noah & Jaidyn when I was preggo with Chase)

So yeah probably a busy day. I like it that way though. Oh and depending on when his first practice is we will either go this weekend or during the week to get Noah's shin guards & cleets for soccer.

I have four kids in less then 7 years. Its pretty weird. I enver would have thought 7 years ago I would have 4 at 26 years old! LOL I love it though. I love them all. They are so very different and that makes it even more fun.

I was thinking today when Hailey is 5 (yeah I know its a long way, but I was thinking about when they are all in school), Chase will be 7, Jaidyn will 9 & Noah will be 11 almost 12.

So when she is in kindergarten, chase will be in 2nd grade, jaidyn in 4th grade, & Noah in 7th grade. Because where Noah's and Jaidyn's birthday fall they will have one more year between their grades then she has between ehr and CHase and between Chase and Hailey.

Crazy. Anyway I was just thinking about that the other day for some reason.

I wish Bri would get home. I am bored. Actually I just want him home so I have another adult to talk to. Kids are all being good, so can't complain there. Baby is asleep in my arms. I should go lay her down now

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