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2005-08-21, 7:32 p.m.

Busy day in mommy land today.

Been doing laundry all day. Finally am down to one load of towels & the load of haileys stuff. i hope to get the towels done tonight. Tomorrow I will do haileys things & the bedding on everyones bed.

I have a huge list of to dos for this week! Trying to get everything caught up. blah.

I have been annoyed today because I have been working all day around the house & taking care of the kids while my husband sits in a chair. ugh. He is normally great. I shouldn't complain really at all. BUT it annoys me when he watches me run around all day doing things, dealing with the kids, and trying to nurse/care for the baby.

But yeah I love him even if he is a pain.

His cold is gone and he feels better. I felt awful this morning but feel better tonight. YAY

I need crochet again. Its been about a year since I crocheted anything. I made Jaidyn a doll blanket and was working on a blanket for Noah, but then I moved and all that fun stuff and things got crazy. Now I should start again.

I need to make each of my kids a blanket. That would be fun & cool for them. I want to learn to sew too. i mean I can sew a buttonb back on soemthing but that is it. lol I would love to make a quilt.

I have scrapbooking stuff I want to work ont oo but I don't have time for that. I can't do that with a nursing baby. Too hard. And Chase gets into everything when I am working on it.

I need to get my laundry/craft room more orginized so I can do my stuff in there. yet.

Okay going to lay baby down, empty & load the dishwasher, fold a load of laundry and all that fun stuff. And then I think I will look for my crochet needles. I know where my yarn is.

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