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school stuff
2005-09-20, 10:47 a.m.

Hailey slept 8 hours straight last night. wow. I woke up twice to check on her.

She has slept a lot this morning too. This means she will be nice and awake all afternoon! :) Which is fine because I love when she is alert and happy.

I need to wake her up soon to get her dressed and for her to nurse before we have to take Jaidyn to school.

Speaking of that my days are getting busier. My carpool buddy from across the street is moving, so I won't have her to take Jaidyn. And my sister will be moving soon so she won't be taking Noah.

My sisters husband was picking up Noah because he had to go anyway (and I paid them gas money) and because Jaidyn and Noah get out at the same time.

Well after about 5 times of them not getting him home until agter 6:30 pm without calling to let me know they weren't bringing him straight home (he gets out at 3:10) I have decided I will find away to get both kids picked up at the same time.

Last night he didn't get in until 6:30. By the time we fed him, got his homework done (he had to read, write his spelling words 3 times a piece, and had something else), got his shower, etc it was 9:30~ His bedtime is 8:30!! Plus our preacher came by yesterday and Noah wasn't here. I wanted him here for that.

This morning I was telling them I needed Noah home earlier today because of soccer practice tonight and my bil said he would drop him off at the soccer fields at 6. 1. I don't want my kid at the soccer fields alone. 2. what exactly are they going to be done from 3:10 until 6 in town? 3. Noah isn't going to get his homework done during that time if he isn't home and he doesn't get home from soccer until 7:30.

So yeah.

They will be moving soon anyway and I would be doing it anyway & I don't mind. But geez if you pay someone gas money to go somewhere they are already going you would think they would be better anbout calling me when my kid wasn't going to be home until later or getting him home when I wanted him here.

During the school year I am strict. 8:30 bedtimes every night but Friday & Saturday nights and then its 9 maybe 9:30. I like homework done as soon as he gets home so it doesn't get forgotten about or left until right before bed when its harder to get him to do it.

We have to have sort of a schedule during the school year if we plan to actually make it everywhere we need to go each day.

Speaking of that I need to make phone calls today. Tomorrow I have to go to Brian's work in the morning for our annual insurance health screening thing. At 9:45. Should get home before I have to take Jaidyn to school. I hope.

I think I am going to talk to Brian about maybe changing his schedule a little. Going in an hour earlier to get off an hour earlier to help me get the kids picked up each day. That wouldn't be a problem if they didn't go to schools in different towns and get out at the same time.

Chase coughed so hard earlier he made himself sick. He has a nasty cough and runny nose. jadiyn is better. Hailey is still stuffy but not near as much as yesterday

Chase & Jaidyn keep fighting over sitting next to me. I believe they may have woken up Hailey with being so loud so I need to go get stuff ready to take Jaidyn to school in a bit, nurse the baby and get everyones shoes on them,

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