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2005-10-10, 7:36 p.m.

Weekend was good.

I thought it was going to turn out awful. Really I did.

Friday Brian had to work late and then was told he had to work on Saturday morning. So I was like "Great, now I have to do the soccer game with all four kids again."

That isn't awful because I have done it before, but sometimes its just nice to have both of us there so I can actually watch a little of the game too you know?

Well so yeah. We did shopping for the camping trip and such Friday night. Bri went to work Saturday. The kids and I went out to the soccer fields. About 10 minutes before the game was to start Brian calls me on my cell and says he is on his way! YAY. So he meets us there and it all went well.

I took the girls home with me and Brian took the boys with him. We got home, had lunch and packed up to go camping

We got out to the camp grounds at 2 pm and the kids had a blast playing outside, running around, etc. It started raining that evening and rained until like 9:30 or something like that. We were stuck inside and almost came home, but noah really wanted to stay, so we did.

After it stopped raining the guys build a camp fire and we all sat around it talking. Kids slepts great. Hailey was wonderful out there.

Brian went hunting with the guys sunday morning. Noah, Hailey and I were the first others up and sat outside by the fire and such. It was nice to spend time talking with Noah like that. I don't get to do that enough.

Anyway we got home sunday around 2:30 or so and then rested and such. Last night we got fast food (we hadn't done that in 2 weeks!!)and drove around. Went to the store for a few things, etc.

Today Brian called in and stayed home with all of us. Noah & Jaidyn both had school holidays today so we spent the day all together at home. We cleaned, the kids played, everything was good.

Sometimes things just go better then you can imagine and that is a good thing! :) I had a good weekend.

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