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Good Tuesday Morning
2005-10-11, 6:26 a.m.

Good Morning.

Its tuesday. That is weird because it feels like Monday since my whole crew was home yesterday! lol

But yep its tuesday! :)

Its 6:26 am and I am nursing the baby. Once she is done I need a shower and to ge dressed. Have to wake Noah & Jaidyn after that so they can get ready. And then I will get Chase up and ready right before we have to leave.

Its weird having to take Noah to school again. I am so used to him riding with my sister (who no longer lives next door) and just walking him over to her house so I don't ave to wake up the little ones.

Most mornings I will just put the little people in the car in the mornings in their jammies but I have errands to run this morning so Iw ill just do those while I am out anyway.

Plans today are:

-Take Noah to school
-Pick up soap & dishwashing stuff from the store.
-Go by the post office to check PO Box and pay for the next 6 months old it (we have this box where all our important mail goes from when we moved down here)
-Laundry (only 2 more clothes loads to do and thne its on to bedding and blankets)
-Take Jaidyn to school
-Clean the bathroom & start on the laundry/craft room
-Pick up Jaidyn
-Noah has soccer practice at 5:30

Need to decide what to make for dinner so I can pull something out this morning.

Okay baby is done nursing. Need to get up and get things ready for the day now

(Thankfully I already have his backpack together, drinks for them all, cereal bars for them to eat in the car (noah normally eats breakfast at school), their clothes all laying out, etc)

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