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just a monday
2000-10-25, 8:18 a.m.

Well its 8:18 an I have been up for awhil now. Can't complain the baby slept all night from 8 until 6:45 so that was pretty good. She was actin all weird yesterday but back to normal today crawling all around and trying to get into stuff. My silly girl

Grrr to my keyboard that keeps messing up. Half the letters wont work half the time! UGH

ANyway I don't have much planned today, just cleaning and playing with the kids. WHich should actually be nice, sine I hardly have time to spend with just the kids these days

Anyway today is a rest day ad tomorrow we start our busy part of the week with Noa being in preschool and such

Anyway Jaidyn is trying t pull up on my leg so she wants to be held!

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