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stuff and brr
2001-10-03, 8:17 a.m.

How is everyone out there is dairyland today? Things are okay here. I am tired though. I got my nephe off to school this morning and was planning on going back to sleep for awhile, BUT my wonderful son woke up and was hyper and playing so I never got to go back to sleep. My niece woke up soon after and Jaidyn next of course. Anyway nothing major planned for today. My friend and her 2 will be over in a little bit, because she is upset oer abreak up with a boyfriend and that is about it.I need to do some laundry today. Brr its cold this morning. It will be warm by this after noon thugh. I hate this time of year, well I love it becase its nice weather but its a apain to have to wear long sleeves and a jacket in the morning and short sleeves in the aftrnoon.

Well I got stuff to do

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