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rambling about love, kids, hubby and pics
2001-11-04, 8:24 p.m.

Okay so I am writing for the second time today, so if you haven't read the one I already wrote, you might want to look at it in a minute!

It was a good day! Though poor Noah busted his lip falling over Brian! :( My poor baby! We also had to make him sit in time out because he was trying to be mean to Jaidyn and that is a nono. A BIG nono around here. Noah has an imaganary friend named Ash, yep the Ash from pokemon! lol Its cute. He has such a great imagination. He doesn't need anything to intertain him. He will play with his cars or action figures and make them talk, and do things. I love that he has an imagination!!

B4rian has been sweet all day. He let me get the nap I wanted, and helped with the laundry and everything. He is sooo sweet MOST of the time. I think I love him more everyday. Okay so I know I do. Its funny how that happens. Sometimes we fight (like everyone), sometimes we goof off togehter, sometimes we;re serious, and sometimes we just both do our own thing. I think we have a pretty good relationship. It has had its MAJOR DOWNS and major UPS just like most marriages, but I think in the long run we will do alright. I love him sooo much. and the kids, man they are just my life. I don't know what I would do without my kids or Bri. Why am I thinking about all this?? I don't know. I guess I just feel loved and overfilled with love for my family.

Oh oh oh guess what what what?? We get to go see my family for thanksgiving! YAY I am soo excited! I want to see my sister shelly and her 3 boys, my brother mom and dad!! We wil lalso see Bri's partents, his sister and his brother (and of course everyones hubbys or wives) I can't wait! Oh my mom has to have a hysterectamy because of some major problems. :( It will be the monday before thanksgiving, so I will get to see her right afterwards. I hate knowing she has to have surgery that quick and that close to hte holiday. My sister shelly will have one in January because of problems too. :( Those type or problems run in my family so I will see how I am and if I have any major problems a little later on in my life.

Anyway Noah needs to go to bed, Bri is asleep on the floor (I plan to wake him up when Noah goes to bed ;) if you know what I mean! HEHEHE) and JAidyn is nite nite already. Aww did I tell you how cute my daughter was??? Can I tell you again if I have?? Well I will anyway! She is ADORABLe and so is Noah Bug! I have too beautiful amazing wonderful (even when they are pains) children.

Anyway I will have to upload a picture of the kids on here soon. I will just edit and add a link to my imagestation sight where I put all my pics , or okay am trying to start putting them there again! lol

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