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new layout and such
2001-11-05, 7:48 p.m.

okay I changed the layout and added stuff, but I just used the stuff from my blog thingy to do this one like that for now. Just for a change, ya know???

Jaidyn is asleep for the night and in about 15 minutes i am gonna lay Noah bug down, even though its only 8 and not 8:30 but we have school for him in the morning and he needs a good night of sleep. BRian said he'd be home at 8:30 tonight! YAY that is better then 9:30 or 10! A little time together will be nice. I cooked a good dinner, steak, sweet potatos, corn, and rolls. It was good. Anyway I want a snack... I don't need one but I want one... Doesn't matter I didn't buy much to snack on for me just stuff for the kids and Bri... Oh well better for me not to have them!

Oh did I tell you I exercised today?? I did tae bo and my crunches and such! YAY for that and I drank more water then I normally do. Well I used to always drink that much water, but lately I have been out of the habbit.

Anyway its just about time for Noah to go to bed, and I am tired too sigh.. always tired these days...

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