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my day
2001-11-08, 8:19 p.m.

My day my day my day. Well it was my day and that is about it. Took Noah to school today. He did good like always. Spent the day with Jaidyn and my friend and her little boy. We didn't do much. Then when Brian got off he meet us over there and we were going to head to the store, but it was later then we had planned so we went on home instead. Jaidyn is in bed, Noah is watching Shrek and I just got out of a nice bath tub! YAY for a bath...

Anyhway its almost time for Noah to go to bed, and then I get to spend some time with Brian! YAY

oh we had Burger King for dinner, it was pretty good but I didn't eat much.. I just haven't wanted much lately..

Anyway I am tired, and gonna go for now

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