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Sweet, adorable, yet damanding children
2001-11-19, 6:39 p.m.

My kids are adorable! I love them too much! lol Okay not too much, you can't lvoe a kid too much. Jaidyn is trying to help me type. My presious little girl! She sure is active and demanding these days though! She pretty much gets her way too! lol That is what she gets for being too cute! lol

Noah is running around the house playing with marbles. I am having to keep watching him with them and making sure he picks them up because Miss Jaidyn will try and eat them if she gets ahold of one! Right now she is chasing her brother! lol Too Cute!

Aww what did I do before kids? I had no real entertainment! Oh I remember I watched tv alot! lol Now I pretty much watch cartoons with Noah, or something with Bri, and the movies on the weekend night and that is it. Not that I actually watch the cartoons or Bri's shows! lol Both normally bore me...

Anyway Bri has to work late tonight :( He has been gone since 7 am and won't be home until close to midnight! He is trying to work a lot of hours so we hav e a good week in before the holidays and we head out of town. aww Noah is too sweet! He just got a toy for Jaidyn because she couldn't get to it! Such a sweet big brother...

Oh you know what?? I really do want another baby... sigh... I am insane, no I am just a mommy! I love my kids and they are my life... Bri is gonna be hard to talk into the 3rd child thing though. He doesn't want anymore, so he says.

LalaLala. I am bored. Oh and its cold here! It was in the 70s this morning and already down in the lower 50s high 40s! Supposed to hit 35 tonight! COLD COLD COLD for here! Hopefully no snows or freezes out here this year. We always lose electricity for days when that happens!

Well my monkeys need bathes..

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