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Taking things for granted
2001-12-06, 3:58 p.m.

Reading an email made we really stop and think about life and what all we have..

My parents (and Bri's) taught us not to take for granted all the things we have gotten or have in our lives, but while they did this, they gave us everything we ever wanted. I had my own tv in my room at 9, a phone by 11, a computer at 14, a vcr at 15, a car at 16 anew computer at 17 and another new car at 18. I was by far lacking anything. I wore Calvin Klien and Levis and all those clothes that were "in" at the time. I had everything, and Bri was given everything too (to this day he has to have name brand clothes and shoes UGH) Anyway we tend to give to our kids because we want them to have all that we did and more *which I beleive is normal* But I want to make sure to teach them the things my parents taught me, to not take it for granted. To know that others don't have what we do or don't ahve the simple things like food. Bri and I give to charties, help at food drives, donate food and everything ever chance we get. We also normally get an angel off the angel tree at this time of the year. I hope to be able to instill all this in our kids...

Though I would love to keep the tv off more and cancell the satlite and spend more time just playing and togehter as a family (but Bri isn't gonna do that) and I would love to make cokes and snacks more of a treat instead of an everyday thing, like it is here.

I think we are on the right track. We did get our kids alot for chirstmas, but not as much as we normally would. Be are trying to make the holidays more meaning and not make it a time where the kids think they have to have everything. I think we are on the right track with Noah because he will offer a shirt to someone whos has a hole in it or ask why a person doesn't ahve shoes and want to give them some (buy them is what he tells me) and also will share his food with someone who doesn't have all the treats he gets. HE is a good boy.

Anyway that is pretty much my thoughts for now. To not let Noah take al lthe things he has for granted, to let him know that not everyone has the food like we do and what we can do to help others...

Maybe we just need to live a simplier life, without all the extras , but then we wouldn't be giving our kids the best we can... Shees, being a parent is a hard job, but its the greatest

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