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TIred morning
2001-12-07, 7:52 a.m.

Its 8 oclock and I am tired. Why I don't know I went to bed kind of early last night and got up at 6:30, which wasn't too bad. Oh well whatever...

Jaidyn is into everything this morning! Noah is watching cartoons right now and Jaidyn keeps turning the tv off on him that makes him mad! Noah wants to go to disney world he just said. We are watchignt he disney channel and they are showing dinsey world and he just ask if we could go there! lol Goofy kid.

Anyway I have abusy day ahead of me to, I have cleaning to do and stuff with the kids to do today. I want to spend a lot of timeplaying wiht them today. They will be with a babysitter tomorrow night because that is Brians work christmas party. I dread that. I don't know any of these people and Bri and I are the youngest, so its weird. Plus all the people around our age either aren't married or don't have kids that he works with, so it will leave me sitting there while Bri talks to everyone I am sure. I am too shy for stuff like that. and I don't want to leave my babies so that is downfall number 2... Anyway that is about it

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