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Remembering again...
2001-12-10, 5:30 p.m.

I had dreams about meeting old friends. I have been thinking alot about old times (thanks Mia for getting it in my head lol) and since my old friend emailed me. Amazing isn't it?? The last year I went to school was in 1996 though I homeschool through my school in 1997 my last year, so it has been 5.5 years almost 6 since I went to school. 4.5 almost 5 since I graduated! WOW so long ago. I remember my freshmen year in high school. My friend Dixi (you can tell I lived in south texas huh with names like that huh) and I were completely in love with older guys. My crush was Ron Howell. lol He was 21 when I was 14 and Dixi's was Rick Hemple and he was 21 too I believe. They were nice to us and we used to clean their aprartment! lol Oh my.. what huge crushes we had on them! We would like boys our own ages but we were totally into Ron and Rick.

Anyway Dixi is my friend who emailed me. She lives near our home town and has an 18 month old daughter Piper. I hope I can met with them when we go down to Bay City for christmas. I would love to get with old friends and remember all those crazy times.

As for today, it was good but busy. I picked up my kids first thing this morning. I was sooo happy to see them. They have been turds since I got them though! lol Noah had fits and everything. I went to the store and bought a few christmas presents and then I took my sisters boyfriends daughter to her wic appt. She is 20 and has two boys; 18 months and 5 months. They are just a little over 12 months apart in age! That is close! lol After that I headed home and both kids fell to sleep actually both are asleep now, though I think Jaidyn is waking up and Noah isn't going to sleep tonight now! Oh no that isn't good, since he has school tomorrow! I hear Jaidyn so I need to go

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