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Right now and this mroning
2001-12-11, 6:42 a.m.


Reading: some romance book

Thinking: when to get the kids up and ready

Eating: nothing

Drinking: a coke, because I am out of anything else

Web Site: Diaryland

PLaying: nothing

Wishing: that I could go back to bed

Obessing: over finishing christmas shopping

Chatting: no one

Emailing: my email groups

Praying: that the day will be save and good for all my family and friends

I need to be getting the kids up. Its 6:47 and we leave the house around 7:15 or 7:20 to make sure we are never late! lol :) Anyway Bri got in last night at 8:30 and he had dinner and a bowel of ice cream and he went in and said good night to Bug and then we went to bed. This morning he got up at 4:20 to be at work by 5. He is on days all the time now. His last day of class was yesterday and he took his final and now that is over! He is happy! We got to check on the net and he passed and has a good grade. Not as goof as he hoped for the semester but he is happy with it (Bri is a perfectionist he hates not being prefect)

Today I will take Bug to school, then my sister Jaidyn and I are coming back out to the hosue for about 2 hours, then at 12 we will head back to since it takes an hour, and stop and eat lunch by 12:30 and then pick the kids up at 2. I will drop my sister and niece off and head back home. Lots of driving these days, and I hate to drive! lol You wouldn't know it because I am ALWAYS driving EVERYWHERE now days. Anyway I really should go get ready and such..

oh but before I go I think I am going to make another journal online. I am going to keep my prayer list, and prayers and things I am greatful for in it. I will link it to this one probably, not sure though, its kind of a person think, I just want to be able to write it all down, ya know?

Anyway really gonna go wake the kids up now (speaking of waking them up isn't it weird how when you need them to wake up they sleep late but when they can sleep late they wake up early???)

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