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Meeting my love
2001-12-14, 1:24 p.m.

SO I took away his power rangers and action figures today. All of them. Atleast for awhile. These fits about someone else (Jaidyn mostly) touching them or even coming near him when he has them is annoying and uncalled for. He is really getting bad about it. I am about ready to trash all of them if he can't learn to be nice. Right now he is yelling at Jaidyn because she is pulled up on the couch and he is sitting on the couch.

Its almost nap time for Jaidyn. You can tell she is getting sleepy! Poor thing! Hopefully she takes a decent nap today! Poor thing has messed up naps on Tuesdays and Thursdays and ends up soo tired at night on those nights.

Its sunny outside! YAY and cool but not freezing or anything. I will take the kids out a little later today to play.

Oh our puppy has a broke leg. Not sure from what though. Poor thing. I saw him trying to climb the porch steps and he couldn't do it :( it was sad poor thing!

There are cookie crumbs all over the floor. I bet you can't where they came from? Yep your right Bug and Jaidyn.. They are so messy but cute (even if they do have fits)

Anyway I am rambling. Oh Brian was asleep by 8:15 last night. Getting up at 4 am is kicking his booty! lol Its too cute though because he will sleep on the couch until like 9 because he says he can't go to bed before 9 because that is way too early! lol Of course your talking about the guy who used to work from 1 pm until 1 am every day! lol He isn't used to morning!

Can you beleive next weekend, is the weekend before christmas? Oh my! Its coming so quickly! Amazing huh?

Brian said something tha tsurprised me yesterday. He was playing with Jaidyn and said, "Looking at your cute face makes me think about having another" Then he looked back at me and said "no don't plan on another yet thoug".. lol that is an improvment. A week ago he was saying no more everm don't even think about it kind of things! He amazes me. He is a good man. and I love him to death and more then that.

In the last 6 years we have grown up together, gotten to know each other, and because grown together. It amazes me how we went from two completely different types of people to being two people who can live in the same house, raise children together and make decisions together. We compromise, most of the time. Argue only rarely, mostly just talk about things. We share everything with each other. Thoughts, ideas, dreams, and much more. Without him I wouldn't be whole anymore. I am Robbi, seprate from Brian, but I am also Robbi, partner of Brian...

anyway I was looking at pictures of us while dating. Amamzing how much older we both look.

Have I told you the store of the day we meet? Well I will tell you know and if you heard it before you can stop reading for awhile (though in a minute I will tell you about Noah potty training)

Anyway it March 8, 1996. I had broken up with a boyfriend (Ryan) at the end of January and still wasn't really over him to say. My friend Sarah and I went to our local county fair thing that was going on that weekend. IT was a Friday night and we were walking around, and ran into some people she knew. One happened to be her boyfriend, Jason's, little brother, Brian (yep my Brian) He talked to us for a couple minutes and then went off to do his own thing. I thought he was a dork! lol He had this longer hair and was just goofy.. But a little later we were with a group of friends, who happened to be his friends too and were all talking. I was freezing so he gave me his jacket. We were all sitting around warming our hands with one guys lighter and I burned my hand (thanks to getting it pushed into the flame by cold people wanting to get warm and trying to move my hand) he took my hand and kissed the burned spot. It was then when I started talking to him and noticing he was always right beside me or behind me everywhere I went that night! We started talking and goofing off and before the night was over, we were holding hands and all that fun teenage stuff! lol

On the way home Sarah and I talked about how neat it would be if she married Jason and I married Brian. (Not that I thought I would really marry Brian at that time! lol)

Anyway it was Monday, and Sarah came to my school from a near by school for our cosmotology class, and told me he had been talking about me to friends of his all day (he went to the same school as her) and so I told her to give him my number. The next day, she walked by him and just yelled out the numbers without telling him what they were. That night he called, remembering every number she told him, without writting them down. And we have been together since then.

Later I will have to tell you about the first kiss we had, and maybe I will tell you about the plan we came up with to keep us together, since his parents were moving, and then maybe I won't! lol

Anyway Noah is nappingQ YAY he just feel to sleep! He needed a nap badly! So so so cranky today. I will give him back his power ranger toys when he wakes up I think. He is a good boy

I was going to tell you about him potty training and not doing so well, but I am going to go play with my precious daughter for awhile and watch my darling little man sleep instead

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