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My friend; my friend
2001-12-19, 2:48 p.m.

I talked to my big sister. That helped make my day a little better. Talking to her always does... My sister is 10 years older then me, and in someways more like mother, but in others, more like a best friend.

Growing up she made cooked for me, let me crawl in her bed, got up with me when I was sick, let me cry on her shoulder when my parents divorced, and gave me a place to stay anytime I needed to get away... She never treated me like a kid, always like a person. We told each other things, we didn't tell others, and she and I joked about everything. When she had Jonathon (my almost 13 year old nephew) I was 10. I loved playing with him, talking to him and everything. For awhile they lived with us and Joanthon is more like my little brother then my nephew. I crawled in bed with him or put him with me when he woke up at night, and I laid down with him until he fell to sleep for naps. He was my little buddy! Then 5 years later, Nicholas was born. And I was there to hold him and help take care of him, and next came Zachary. Zach was born after Bri and I had gotten together and right before I moved up here with Brian.

Shelly and I have alwyas been close, and I am close to the older two boys and getting closer to the youngest now too. It was when I had Noah and became a mother, and married, that we became closer. We finally even with our 10 year difference in age, had something in common, and our lives became a lot alike. We both had husbands, children, responicblities such as bills, and houses and all of that. We have gotten so much closer even though we live 5 hours away from each other. We call each other every week, either she does or I do, and sometimes more often if one of us has a problem...

She is my big sister and I love her, though I don't think I ever tell her that ... I really need to though

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