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growing up
2001-12-19, 1:06 p.m.

The children are playing contently for the first time today. That is nice, since they have been testing limits and boundries today! Thankfully mommy here has been on top of it and reminding them what the limits and boundries are! :o) They are good kids, just normal kids...

My baby is getting big. She will be 11 months old in a week, and a YEAR old next month. I am not ready for her to be one. I am not ready for her to get bigger. Though I don't have a choice do I?? Bug isn't getting big too. Hard to beleive he is almost 3.5... He is getting closer to 4 now. I am not likeing that! I love the age he is now. Yes he test me more, talks back more and has more fits, but he has also gotten more verble, his imagination has developed into something wonderful, and he is always wanting to help and do things with me. He is getting so big and so smart. He knows his shapes, colors, numbers and all that fun stuff. He knows his manners and uses them MOST of the time! lol

They are getting big but that is what babies do, the turn into toddlers, then children, and then teenagers, and lastly adults. And we just have to do our best to mold them into good people, teaching them morals, values and all of that.

Anyway Jaidyn is messing with Noahs toys and he is having a fit so I guess this is where this entry ends for now

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