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Santa Land
2001-12-19, 9:12 p.m.

Christmas lights are so neat. Noah just loves them! Especially the ones that move and chase each other.

Tonight we went to a place called Santa Land. THey have light displays there. When you drive in they have this cool light tunnel that totally makes your head spin! lol And then there is Elf land, were cut out painted Elfs are in different sence and some of made of lights and are animated. Too cool. Then the north pole with santa and such, and then Elf's in Texas which is cool. They have animated lights of a tornado with a cow in it! lol Too cute. They watched twister too many times! The also have a elf swinging form one tree to another and hitting a tree, can you say "george, george, george of the jungle. Hey George watch out for that... Treeeeee!" lol... After that there is raindeer and finally as you leave you see angles and a sence of baby jesus in his manager. Too cool. Noah loved it and Jaidyn was in ahhh of all the lights.

The place is about an hour and a half away, but it was worth the trip (not sure though if it was really worth 15 dollars! GULP)

Anyway It was neat and watching it through the kids eyes was amazing! Too neat.

The kids are asleep and we have only been home for about 30 minutes or so.. Tomorrow is a busy day, Noah has his school and their chirmstas party and then we are having christmas with my sister, her two kids; a friend of mine and her 3; and another friend, her hubby and her 3 kids. We all kind of spent a lot of time together over the summer and most of the fall, so we bought for each others kids...

So tomorrow is the first day of christmas for my kids. And Jaidyns first ever time to oepn a chrismtas gift from anyone! I am excited for her!

I will be bakc tomorrow and tell you all about it!

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