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Its all over
2001-12-26, 2:30 p.m.

Well its the day after christmas! I am still at my dads. Will be here tomorrow too and home on Friday! YAY I miss home but have loved being out and around family this week!!

Yesterday morning Santa came and the kids got toys. The big things were Noahs castle (lights and sounds) and Jaidyn got the intell table! They got otehr stuff too but that would all take awhile to list. Then we went to my sisters and had lunch and they each got another present from my dad. We left there at arounf 3 and headed to Brian's aunt and uncles house, and all his aunts adn uncles had bought for rhe kids so they opened more presents. They got way too much this year. Actually there are soo many presents I am not sure how we are getting it back home. Either my dad or Bris parents have to come up with us to help!

Oh Bri got a sterio from me and CD's. I got two collectable frogs (called sprogs I love them), 2 CD's and a new mouse for my computer from bri! THe mouse is an optical one so that is cool.

Anyway today has been relaxingf. Did nothing all morning and then went and saw Bri's mom for awhile and came back to my dads tro put Jaidyn down for a nap. Noah is watching his new power ranger movie (the first one he has ever saw)Bri is playing on my brothers computer, they are driving cars on there (race cars I think) and so I am checking email and writing diary entrys! lol

We wil lbe here tomorrow and then head home on friday!!

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