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28 days ...
2002-01-03, 8:50 a.m.

28 days and my baby turns one! One!! It doesn't seem possible and I think I am obessing over it. I just can't believe the year has flown by. At this point last year I was big, pregnant, and ready for her to be born. This year I sit here watching her pulling up on the couch, trying to talk, and taking first steps. Amazing how much they change in that first year.

I remeber the day I found out I was pregnant with Jaidyn. (okay so I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with Noah too) It was the end of May when I took a test, basically as a joke.

See we had been trying for baby from the time Noah was 9 months old (though we never even his first 9 months, did anything to prevent pregnancy) After the first 6 months I got frusterated and got aggervated with nothing happening, when friends who were trying (and some that we not trying) got pregnant and there I sat still not pregnant. I even had a friend get pregnant and have a baby before I got pregnant! I had gotten to the point were I ached for a baby, and people with babies or pregnant people annoyed me. I couldn't read emails from pregnant people, or people having babies even by the end. Though I was happy for my friends it hurt too that I wasn't having a baby yet.

All of that caused a few problems for Brian and I. Sex became something we did to make a baby , not out of love or closeness. Anyway finally at the end of March after almost 11 months of trying we decided to take off a couple months from trying.. In April I was late and had to test but started like an hour after I tested, so in May when I was late I didn't think anything of it. My cycle was changing again, I and felt like AF would come at anytime. A friend thought she might be pregnant and was going to take a test. Anyway she had like 3 pregnancy test so when she went to take hers, I took one just to make her feel more comfortable. Well when that second line popped up I was amazed and shocked!! SO I took the 3rd test and it was positive too! (or course).. Anyway it was a shook and the funny thing is I know the day I got pregnant with her. It was the only day it could have happened! lol Of course I know the day Noah was concieved too! :)

Anyway that was my first of many Jaidyn stories you will probably hear this month as her birthday approuches! lol

You know I am thinking about new years resulations, I need some.. lol :)

So here they are:

1. To lose the last 20lbs I want to lose (though I was told 10 wouldn't be too much even.)

2. To spend more time just playing with the kids, with no tv, or distractions (phone, cleaning, etc.)

3. To stick with the budget I wrote out for Brian and I this year

4. To finally find a church we really feel comfortable in and go every sunday (well all that we can go)

hmmm I will probably think of more! lol

Anyway my kiddos are playing with toys together. Ahhh too cute, so I am going to go make them breakfast and work on their web site with I have time! :)

Then the rest of the day, I have some cleaning to do; and of course playing with the kids...

oh I told you Noah went number 2 in the potty yesterday didn't I?? I was soo excited! lol Not that most of you really care or anything!

We also watched Princess Diaries last night. I liked the movie! It was cute!!

Even Brian watched it! lol Though he told me I was making him watch a chick flick! lol Oh well I watch his shoot em up movies! lol

And we ahd a guy look at our house! He likes it! He has an appointment today to see if he can get a loan with a morage place!! If he can get approved for the amount we are selling for we will have a sell! I am EXCITED!

If your a praying person, like me, please please please pray for the house to sell!! :)

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