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power rangers and cheese cake
2002-01-06, 9:10 a.m.

Time Force, Power Rangers... Okay sorry I am watching this dumb movie again. thankfully its not as bad as I remeber the first ones that my nephew used to watch... I always said I would never let Noah watch this show. Yay that stuck real well can't you tell???

I am eating cheese cake, yes cheese cake for breakfast for me. Well I don't feel good, have a house full of stuff to do and a million emails from yesterday to read, and of course my hubby would have to be at work AGAIN..


See he worked yesterday and got home at 2. We ran to town and got a few things we needed, which was nice and we were expecting a call from Bri's boss telling us if he was to come in this morning. Instead we got a call from someone else he works with who thought he was supposed to go in last night, so I couldn't sign online and had to sit around (i read which was nice) while we waited for his boss to call to let us know if he was to go in last night or today. The call never came, so I did sent a quick email last night and then signed back off... THen this morning he gets up and heads to work since he knows the job is there that he is to work on (only good thing about today is DOUBLE TIME)and no one is there, so he tries to call his boss again, and his wife doesn't know where he is at. He went hunting last night and hasn't returned, so unlike Kenny (Brian's boss. He is a nice guy) So Brian calls and tries to find him too and no one can find him, so Bri comes home and goes back to sleep. At 8:30 he calls Kennys house again and his wife says she still hasn't hurt from him, so Bri calls around trying to find him, and he is still no where to be found. anyway Brian ended up going to work because they needed him up there (him and Kenny were supposed to both be there) So yeah he will be at work all day! UGH UGH UGH

I don't like when he works 7 days straight because, well then he works 5 or 6 next week too and that is like 12 or 13 days straight and that makes him cranky and tired all the time...

Oh well I guess its what I get when he had 10 days off at christmas huh??

Well Jaidyn wants out of her high chair. She is being a real turd this morning already

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