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School + Potty = SUCCESS
2002-01-08, 10:17 p.m.

Noah did great! My big big big boy Noah Bug! Did so well! YAY for him not crying when I left him at school (he hasn't in a long long time but I was worried since he hadn't been there in two weeks) He was happy to see his cousin and his teeachers and friends. And NO ACCIDENTS at school either! YAY to my potty learned 3 year old! YAY YAY YAY YAY

Okay I am happy! You would be to if you got to get out of changing a few diapers a day! I still have awhile of changing Jaidyn.

Noah got power ranger bedding today, well the comforter, to finish off the set he got. My sister got the sheets for him... So anyway he got that and a little toy, I shouldn't do that but he needed the comforter and well the toy was for doing so well at school and with the potty thing. I think he deserved it! and we got Jaidyn one of those things they can walk behind and push?? this one changes into a car which is cool. I should have put it up for her birthday but she keeps wanting to walk but is too scared to not hold on to something, so this is great for her and she gets around good!! :) YAY Jaidyn! lol

Well my two guys and my baby girl are all asleep. I should go join them soon, in nite nite land, I suppose.

Love ya all, sleep well

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