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night nite
2002-01-12, 10:19 p.m.

Well we are totally techie around here these days! lol We have a tv (of course), a new vcr (because our old one stopped working today. It was old though so no big deal), a dvd player (just bought today as well as the vcr) and or caurse Bri's sterio I got him from Christmas. Plus oh yes, we have directv too because we can't get cable or any anntena channels out here. So we hav elike ten million remotes around here. My DVD play isn't working right now. I think its connected wrong or whatever but I am too tired to mess with it, though I did want to watch my dvd of fast and furious though! ugh.

So anyway my day was okay. Noah napped from like 1 pm until 4 when I woke him up. Poor baby didn't sleep good at all last night with him being sick... Thankfully he was fine all day. Bri gets home at 4 and we got to town and shop around for the dvd player and vcr. Finally find the ones we want and head home. When we get home there is a message on our machine. Its from Bri's boss. Bri calls him back, and well he is out hunting alone because he boys didn't come out after all with him, so Bri asked if I minded him going since he was alone. This is the same man who was missing for 24 hours last weekend, and I knew his wife was worried so I told Brian to go if he wanted to, but he better let me know if he was going to be gone longer then planned. So he left a little after 8. Noah just fell to sleep on the couch at 10:27 and I am fixing to carry him to my bed and go on to bed too. I like having my babies close to me at night. Espeially when its just me and the kids and no Bri, here.... I won't sleep well tonight either because well Bri isn't here and I am used to him being ehre now. There was a time when I wasn't used to him being here, when he worked at night.

Anyway I am rmabling and tired and think I will go crawl in bed with my babies and read my book until I fall to sleep, which may not be long because I am sooo tired. DOn't be surprised if I have another entry from tonight though! I tend to wake up alot when home alone at night! Though if there isn't another message by morning, just forget I ever said that! lol :)

Oh I still am not happy wioth Bri about today, but I decided it wasn't worth the arguement, or my time to fight about it... I mean heck we went on thw with the day with very little complants and such so it was good. I just wish he were home now, but I love him for being a good friend and being out with his friend to make sure he is okay...

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