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visiting my sister
2002-01-16, 7:56 p.m.

Sorry I didn't write yesterday. I wasn't home. Noah had school and my sister and I ran around and did stuff, just her, Jaidyn, and me. It was fun... We bought american pie and american pie 2 on DVD cool! :) Then we went and visited Misty. Remember her? She is a friend of mine but I haven't seen her in ahwile. Just been busy I such...

So we visted with her for awhile and her son bit Jaidyn! Ugh But Jaidyn is okay and it didn't leave a mark... Then we picked up the kids and went back to my sisters house, where Jaidyn, Noah and I stayed the night; just so we could do something! Today Robin (my sisters, boyfriends daughter) watched Taylor (my niece) Mistys 2 little ones, and my two so Misty, Jody and I could run errands and jsut spend a little time away from our kids... We started out the day by taking them to get their liceans renewed from the drivers liceans place... then we went our to lunch at Ryans were we all got full quicker then normal! lol Then we paid some bills they needed to pay and went shopping! So fun! I bought me two shirts and a pair of jeans, bought Brian a shirt for his birthday (on monday) and Noah a shirt!! :) I also plan to buy Brian the DVD of Gone and 60 seconds. He likes that movie, and then he is getting 100 dollars to buy tools with ! Spoiled Brian! and then in 2 weeks from tomorrow is Jaidyns birthday!!

Anyway, we shopped and goofed off and then went back and pickjed up the kids. I came home, where Bri was already home and changing the oil in his truck. We ate chicken spaghetti that I cooked and we put the kids to bed a little early. Noah was awful from the time we pulled up here until he went to bed. Well basically they didn't sleep good last night with us being somewhere else, and then today they were with a babysitter, which they aren't too used to so they were crankyu and wanting mommy and daddy.

Anyway Jaidyn is asleep in my bed of course and Jaidyn in his room. We have to get up tomorrow morning. Noah has school. Friday I don't have anything planned. saturday is Mistys daughters birthday party, so I will go there. and that is really all. Monday I will have a cake and such for Bri and give him his gifts from the kids and me... Then in 2 weeks we will have cake and a party for Jaidyn! Her birthday is on a thursday, so the following saturday we will have her party! So exciting!! :)

Anyway I am rambling and gonna go and spend time with Bri , since he is actually up and the kids are both in bed

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