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just rambling
2002-01-18, 2:44 p.m.

Emails are coming in, in weird orders today. UGH to yahoogps again... I feel bad. I have a headache and a stomach ache. I guess I got what they kids had huh?? Oh well..

So anyway Noah is standing by the chair and says "Don't look at me. Mama, Look at the computer." I say, "Why can't I look at you?" He replies, "Cause I am doing something. Look at the computer don't look at me" Then he climbs onto the kitchen chair and jumps off, knowing mommy has told him no a million times! Goofy, Silly boy. He is a jumper. He jumps of everything; chairs, counters, beds, the couch, just whatever he can find.

Jaidyn is a climber. She climbs on everything! My little turkey! She also stood all on her own yesterday in the middle of the floor.

Noah is going potty. He has had to go number 2 and is having a hard time going poor thing. He won't let me in the bathroom with him until he is done going number 2 now though! lol He is getting big and modest! lol

Jaidyn would rather be naked.. Not good!

Brian's birthday is Monday! On MLK celebrated birthday! Just really looked and relized that today.

Nothing really here in this entry that means much, but hey I am writing huh??? Letting you know I am here and alive, though I feel awful. My kids are still adorable and my hubby is almost 22. So weird sometimes being 10 months older then him!

I will write about something more meaningful later okay???

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