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still sick
2002-01-27, 8:43 p.m.

Its 8:45 pm and I am tired. Of course I have slept on and off all day and I am still tired and in pain. I will break down and go to the dr tomorrow. I hate dr.'s but I need to see one. My tonsils are so swollon I can't open my mouth much at all, its making my ear and jaw hurt even. I have been running fever on and off.

Bri took off work tomorrow so he can take me to the dr and help with the kids. I need to feel better. Noah has chool on Tuesday, and Jaidyn's birthday is THURSDAY! my baby will be 1 in like 4 days! I can't beleive how fast it has gone..

Bri has done the parent thing all day today! So funny he was so ready for them to go to bed, I told him "Welcome to my world" he didn't think it was too funny.

My eat hurts, my throat hurts, my head hurts, I just hurt and have to actually break down and see a nasty dr tomorrow


I am gonna go , sorry I hardly post and when I do its really boring right now, but I just feel awful. More meaningful stuff to come soon I promise!!

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