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Almost human
2002-01-28, 9:43 a.m.

I just took a shower and feel half way human again. Only half way, but hey that is better then not at all right??

Bri called a dr for me this morning. I go in at 11:30. I almost can't wait to go, to get something for the pain! I can handle child birth with no pain meds but not being able to swollow and the whole side of my face being swollen isn't any fun at all. My jaw still doesn't open very far either. UGH

I will live and I will see a dr today and get a fun antibotic to take that will help. I hope anyway...

SO site meter is gonna charge now for getting the search words people use to get to your site. That sucks :(

Jaidyn turns 1 in 3 days! The countdown has begun. I am excited and sad that its that close. Kind of excited because the first birthday is exciting, but sad because my baby is growing up on me!!

My month AF should be here by the end of this week. Maybe, just maybe she won't show up??? I wouldn't mind if she took a 9 to 10 month hiatus! lol Not likely with our history of having trouble getting pg, but you never know...

Brian is bathing Noah. Noah finally loves bathes again! I am not sure how I got him to stop screaming when we washed his hair, but now he askes me to wash it! Goofy boy...

Jaidyn is napping. My sweet little girl. She has been keeping her daddy very busy the last couple days!!

I miss feeling normal and being able to do things with the kids. I really don't like feeling so bad I can barely get up. I feel like I should be up taking care of my kids and husband. That he shouldn't have to call in to work, just because I sick and the kids days are all messed up because mommy can't do anything but lay on the couch. ITs even hard to talk, so I try not to do that too much. That is hard for me. I like to talk, and talk, and talk and talk. lol I am a jabber jaws when I get to know someone! lol

Anyway my head is getting fussy amy head is hurting so I am gonna go lay down AGAIN

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