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Everything in its place
2002-01-30, 7:44 p.m.

Oh boy today has been a day! lol This morning I just played with the kids really! I felt better, much much better really so I played with them and such until about 1 pm when I decided to clean! I cleaned the kithen, the living room, and the kids rooms! whooo!! That was alot! Then I bathed Jaidyn and she went to sleep and Noah got in the tub and I bathed him.

I got showered and dressed and all that fun stuff so when Brian got home we would be ready to go do errands.

He got in at a little after 3:15 I believe it was and he changed clothes, I put shoes on Noah and Jaidyn had just woken up so I got her up and dressed and we left! We headed to Gilmer, which is the town they say we live in even though its 20 minutes away?? Makes no sence! Bri renewed his drives lic. and we paid property taxes. GULP!! Bye bye money! lol :)

After that we headed to Longview, the other near by town, also 20 minutes from us, just in the other direction!

So we go to Longview, and deposit money into our account. My money I made from Ebay! YAY and a check from my dad for a birthdya present for Jaidyn. He sent it just in case we couldn't come down since I was sick. I told him I would go ahead and buy her something from him. Probably a toy and an outfit! He sent 20 dollars!! Thats a lot for a baby! I was figuring 5 or 10! lol :)

After the bank we went by toys r us and got her birthday present! Its sooo cute and you will see it on Sunday when we get back and she has gotten it! lol

After the toys r us trip, without Noah screaming or crying for a toy! YAY We came home and I made tacos for dinner. Something simple since it was later then normal for me to be starting dinner!

We ate and I played with the kids while Bri got online and then I got online and he played with the kids! lol Jaidyn went to sleep a little bit ago, she was sooo tired poor thing. I moped the floor, dusted the living room, cleaned the counters from after dinner, emptied the dishwasher, made Noahs lunch for school tomorrow (I should make Bri's lunch too now that I think about it) and put milk in a sippy cup so its ready for Noah in the morning! lol So now I am sitting down and playing on here and resting from all of that!

I do need to get Noah's change of clothes and put them back in his backpack for school tomorrow. He has never needed them, but you know the first time i don't send them he will! lol

So tomorrow is my babies birthday! YAY Jaidyn! I will talk about that more tomorrow, I am gonna go read emails, talk to Brian, make Brian's lunch, get Noahs change of clothes out and lay out his clothes for tomorrow. I have Jaidyns laying out already! YAY to me being origized again! lol

Brian did great taking care of the kids and me over the weekend, but he doesn't clean as well or stay as orginized so its been up to me today to get everything back in order!

Everything in its place; and a place for everything! lol And if you beleive I am that orginized just look at my computer desk! hahahaha

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